Who’s for the Folk? Publicity leaflet, ‘The world marches forward on the feet of little children’; Includes: An Account of the Aims and Ideals of the Woodcraft Folk Year undated Creator There is no creator for this item. Medium Publicity Category There is no category for this item. Keywords age, beginnings, elfins, kinsfolk, leaflet, pioneers, policy, publicity Reference FH_030_07 Pages 4 Memories This item has no memories. Add Memory Trails This item has no trails. Related The Woodcraft Folk Medium Publicity Keywords leaflet, publicity Reference FH_030_29 The Woodcraft Folk Centre, West Hoathloy Medium Publicity Keywords centres, leaflet, publicity Reference FH_051_09 Folk Supply Leaflet advertising Books Year 1930 Medium Publicity Category Publicity Keywords booklet, leaflet, publicity leaflets Reference wfmem000232 40 Years of Service Year 1965 Medium Publicity Keywords leaflet, publicity Reference FH_030_03