Village 9, White Hart, North London, International Camp, Stanford Hall Year 1975 Creator There is no creator for this item. Medium Regions Category There is no category for this item. Keywords london, photo, regions Reference fh_042_38 Images 1 Memories This item has no memories. Add Memory Trails This item has no trails. Related Constitution of the CRS London Region Area Council Medium Regions Keywords co-op, constitution, democracy, regions Reference FH_037_11 Council Circle, at a South West London Pioneer Camp Year 1949 Medium Regions Keywords folk custom, london, photo, regions Reference FH_064_28 London Development Project Year 1986 Medium Regions Keywords development, london, organisation, project, regions, report Reference FH_033_06 Advertisement for ‘A Grand Exhibition and Demonstration’, Brixistanthing Year 1932 Medium Regions Keywords activities, advert, london, regions Reference YMA_WF_065_22