Statement on the Public Order Act Year 1937 Creator There is no creator for this item. Medium Peace Category There is no category for this item. Keywords costume, policy, statement, war Reference FH_077_02 Pages 2 Memories This item has no memories. Add Memory Trails Trail: Fashioning a New World: Folk Shirts and Symbols Creator Annebella Date 31st March 2017 Related Statement on Anti Racism Medium Anti-racism Keywords policy, statement Reference FH_035_02 Woodcraft Folk Statement in Response ‘smear Campaign’ Year 1975 Medium Internationalism Keywords policy, red scare, statement Reference FH_059_05 Peace Statement Medium Peace Keywords peace, policy, statement Reference FH_076_20 Statement for Register of Conscientious Objector, Bristol Year 1940 Medium Peace Keywords conscientious objector, regions, southern, statement, war Reference YMA_WF_077_16