Ealing Delegation to Norway Elsa Sothern with her daughter, Laura and other members of Ealing Woodcraft Folk Year 1977 Creator There is no creator for this item. Medium Regions Category There is no category for this item. Keywords london, photo, regions Reference FH_050_06 Images 1 Memories This item has no memories. Add Memory Trails This item has no trails. Related ‘Badger and Ealing Off to Swimming’, Danbury Year 1970 Medium Regions Keywords photo, regions Reference FH_042_18 Borough Award to Elsa Sothern, Ealing, Stanwell Dstrict Medium Regions Keywords photo, regions Reference FH_066_09 The Highland Fling at Camp Year 1943 Medium Regions Keywords photo, regions Reference FH_066_16 Brixistanthing Group Photo Medium Regions Keywords photo, regions Reference FH_064_14